Friday, January 1, 2010

These Shoes Were Made For Running

These are my running shoes. I’ve bought the same pair ever since I very tragically discovered that simply wearing any old pair of trainers to pound the pavement = no big toenails. Not pretty. Over the years they’ve run along muddy trails in Sussex, jogged on seafronts in Kent, hot-footed it over scorching tarmac in California, and yes the lucky soles have even been treated to a few foreign getaways. My life might have undergone a few huge scenery changes since I brought home my first pair of trainers, but my running shoes have remained reassuringly familiar throughout. So here we are in 2010 and it’s time to put these old friends through a few new paces. The goal: Run the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon. Run it in 4 hours. Run it for Women in Congo.

My laces are tied and I’m ready to run.

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