Monday, January 4, 2010

Today's the Real New Year's Day

Back to life, back to reality. Isn’t that how the song goes? It’s the start of the very first working week of the year, which should probably make today the real New Year’s Day. For me it’s fini late nights, ne plus the lie-ins of the Christmas holidays, au revoir lovely macaroons I got in my stocking, and, since my husband’s back to work now, kaput any mid-week me time.

I might not have to brave the horrible freeway traffic to work anymore, but I’m having a real case of the Mondays today. I signed up for the marathon yesterday and what with work commitments growing, I’m realizing that I’m going to have to get pretty creative with time management if some serious running is going to happen between now and June. And when I say get creative, read: run more than the measly four miles I managed earlier. Easier said than done with a ten-month old.

So, in the spirit of the New Year I hereby resolve that this week shall be the first of several ramp-up-to-my-genius-16-week-marathon-program weeks, (in layman’s terms that translates to run-at-least-25-miles-in-a-week weeks.) Happy Real New Year’s Day everyone! Four miles down, 21 to go!

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